How To Gain Incredible Power | Mastery By Robert Greene

How To Gain Incredible Power |  Mastery By Robert Greene

My father once said to me, “Son!” What are your plans for the future? 


As a result, I told him, “Dad, I want to be an author.” 


What did he say when he glanced at me? Greetings, son are you all in agreement? Listen son, one of my friends is a three-time best-selling book novelist, but he now sleeps on the streets and can’t afford a home; I’m your father, and I know what’s best for you; the market for auditors is increasing, so you should become an auditor of books; you’ll have a greater chance of finding a good job.   


How To Gain Incredible Power Mastery By Robert Greene

 That, as I started getting the same responses from social and everyone around me, I realised that maybe my father was right, maybe being a book auditor isn’t so bad, after all, it’s more secure, and I can write in my spare time like Albert Einstein.


Look, in order to master something and become a guru and for apprenticeship in that field, you must put in thousands of hours, and if you are not inwardly motivated, you will not be able to do so social. I may get a better job at first, and I may make some money in years but I will not feel the delight of working for 15 hours without even noticing how quickly those hours have passed.    


And if I worked in that business and study like charles darwin and leonardo da vinci, I’d probably check my watch every 5 minutes to see when my shift was over so I could go home on my own path. 


So, the main potential idea and details from the book here is that you should not allow society determine your fate and mastery. You’re probably wondering how this has anything to do with increasing power with laws of power and nature, art. 


 Take a look at the world’s most influential people and human; they all have one thing in common: they’re all masters in their crafts. They’re all one-of-a-kind, and they’ve all spent thousands of hours mastering their craft. From ancient masters to Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, there has never been anyone like them, and there will never be again. You won’t become a master just by having a PHD; it’s that unique experience paired with deep knowledge that makes you a master. 


 The majority of people and human never achieve mastery of lives and success because they deceive themselves, either to fit in with society and do what their parents teach them to do, or because they are blindly motivated by bad motives such as money, celebrity, and recognition. 


So, stay away from the wrong route like historical figures and engage in creative active and don’t allow society decide your fate. Another reason most of us fail is that we don’t know what we want. You may have wanted to be a software engineer as a child, but as you grew older, you discovered you wanted to be a doctor, so you studied finance and got your first job in the media. 

 You must understand that it is not as if you wake up one new day and know exactly what you want; it does happen occasionally, but it is quite rare work. 


Instead of seeing your carrier as a straight line, think of it as a journey with twists and turns. You begin by selecting a field or position or book that roughly matches your preferences. You can visit New York. 


This entry-level role provides you with the new opportunity to learn and to get valuable experience. 


You might have an MBA, but you’re passionate about software engineering and to learn this, and you’ve worked in a variety of industries, which has helped you understand people and the environment, which we’ll discuss in the next video, and you combine all of these elements to create something incredible, and that’s how you become a master. 


So, to find your unique niche, strategies, combine your expertise and expertise by diving deep into your subject, Social intelligence and read. 


When we choose a field or strategies or find a job, we often feel that we are somehow connected to that field and that we can’t leave; this is a common problem; however, you should always remember that you are only loyal to your life’s task and laws; you are not loyal to any company, position, or anyone else; therefore, just because you have a degree in that field does not mean that you should stay in that field; always remember that you are only loyal to your life’s task; therefore, you should always remember.

Recommended Books: Laws of Human Nature, 50th Law, Strategies of War, Art of Seduction,  


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