Decision Fatigue: Definition, Study, Cure | How to Combat It


Do do you suffer from decision fatigue?

Decision Fatigue: Definition, Study, Cure | How to Combat It, how many times have you had to make difficult decisions that pushed you in different directions? You go around in circles until you either flip a coin or make a hasty decision because you’re too fatigued to think any longer. Or perhaps you simply put off making a decision forever, which can be easier than making a difficult decision. 



Is this anything you can relate to right now? If that’s the case, you’re probably dealing from decision fatigue. Poor decisions are made not because of incapability, but because arriving at one or more options takes its toll—to the point where our mental energy is badly depleted. 

Now that we understand what decision fatigue is, let’s look at some of the most effective techniques to counteract it in order to achieve a stronger mental state and better decision-making. 

What Causes Decision fatigue? 

what is decision fatigue?

Being pushed to make too many decisions in a short amount of time causes decision fatigue. 

Users begin their decision-making process by carefully assessing their options. Over time, the work spent considering all the numerous trade-offs and compelling people to employ willpower instead of default systems depletes their mental energies. 

Users are hesitant to engage in thinking that needs them to make these trade-offs once their mental energy has been spent due to the cognitive effort their brain must spend. People who are aware of this will frequently structure their to-do lists to priorities key decisions that demand the most mental energy early in the day, so they may devote their mental energy to them first. 

As their self-control is depleted, users with decision fatigue become “cognitive misers,” hoarding their energy and effectively shutting down their powers. They end up taking the road of least resistance, which is sometimes a full shutdown, leaving them with no or inferior options. 

Decision Fatigue Syndrome 

do you suffer from decision fatigue?

A person suffering from decision fatigue may feel exhausted, have brain fog, or exhibit other physical or mental signs and symptoms. 

As a person’s decision-making capacity grows, they may feel worse or more fatigued as the day progresses. 


Decision fatigue may manifest in a few different ways, depending on how it affects a person.

The following are some potential effects of decision fatigue.

1. Prioritize and make the most crucial decisions first. 

The cure for decision fatigue! 

If you have a hectic personal or professional life where many difficult decisions must be made on a daily basis, this can rapidly become overwhelming. Create mental space in this case by outlining all situations and obstacles that require a decision. Use a simple software tool or a piece of paper to write them down—a notepad file or a word document will suffice. 

Once you have your entire list, carefully select the most crucial items that must be resolved as quickly as possible. Keep in mind that you won’t be able to regard everything as essential or demanding quick attention. There must be some things that are more crucial than others! (decision fatigue debunked)

Prioritize and Declare the Appropriate Options 

Add another layer of examination to your most pressing things that are awaiting decisions by prioritising them even further. As a result, you should be able to identify your most urgent and critical jobs in sequence, with no competing priorities. 

The final step in this exercise is to list all of the possibilities you should think about for your most critical decision and go over them one by one. You’ll be able to think more clearly and avoid choice fatigue if you get the visual depiction of possibilities and the most important decisions out of the way first. 

2. Automate Less Important Decisions with Daily Routines 


Decision fatigue examples!

“Do you think I should eat a healthy meal today?” “Should I get up early the next day?” “When should I start preparing dinner tonight?” 

Even if these questions appear to be simple, they always need a judgement. When you pile them on top of other commonplace inquiries as well as more serious ones, it’s easy for things to get out of hand. 

Small or insignificant decisions might suck up your time and reduce your productivity. When multiple additional judgments must be made at the same time, decision fatigue might occur. There is, however, a way to avoid this. It entails streamlining elements of your life by automating repetitive decisions, allowing you to make better judgments in general. 

It’s Your Routine—Control It to Create Time for Other Activities 


Instead of having to decide multiple times per week if you should have a healthy lunch, create a daily long routine sufficiently ahead of time by dictating what healthy food you’ll eat for lunch every day. In doing so, you’re putting that particular decision on autopilot. Your predefined routine commits you to a decision immediately and without hesitation. 

Invest time into highlighting all of the trivial and recurring situations requiring decisions daily, then implement a collective routine that relieves the need for you to give them much thought.

3.Every decision should have a time limit. 

Making difficult or large decisions puts you at risk of depleting your energy. This is especially true if you’re worried about making the wrong decision. The constant bouncing around of uncertainty and concern inside most individuals is enough to make them tired and fed up. 

You must be in the correct position to act and feeling in order to make good decisions. Setting a time limit on your decision-making process is an effective approach to use. What may appear intimidating at first—given that it can add to the pressure—actually provides clarity on when you need to finish because you can see the conclusion in sight. 

Grow in Confidence by Reducing Hesitation 


It’s time to move on now that you’ve made your decision. You’ll feel good and gain confidence knowing that you didn’t waste time considering the options. 

Only review a previous decision if something unexpected happens that has an impact on it. If that’s the case, repeat the process, making sure to make the new decision before a new deadline. 

4. Seek Input From Other People—Don’t Decide Alone 


There is a time and place for making decisions alone, but there are times when it is necessary to enlist the help of others. If you’re having trouble coming to a decision, getting feedback from people in your network can help relieve the stress of indecision. 

Do you feel comfortable enlisting the help of others to make decisions? To answer “yes” to this question, you must have trust and a sense of security in your relationships. 

Investigate Other People’s Thoughts to Gain a New Perspective 


Insecure corporate leaders are unlikely to enlist the support of their team(s) in making decisions. A confident and secure company leader, on the other hand, recognises that they don’t “know it all.” Rather of making all work-related decisions alone, they build trust among their team and gain the assistance they need to make the best decisions possible. 

The knowledge you have at your disposal can influence your capacity to make a good decision. When faced with a difficult decision, don’t be hesitant to seek assistance from the appropriate individuals. They may present viable choices that might otherwise be overlooked, or they may hold the key to making an informed decision. 

5. Simplify and Lower the Number of Available Options 


You’re in the store, standing in front of a peanut butter aisle with over 20 different flavours. You have no idea which one to chose, and despite minor variances, they all appear to be quite similar. Without a doubt, you’ve been in this predicament before (maybe with a peanut butter replacement!). 

This is a classic example of having too many options—an occurrence that makes you want to do nothing or waste time debating which goods to buy. 

Having too many options, according to the psychological idea of choice overload studies (social psychologist), can be disruptive and overburdening, resulting in decision fatigue. Using the example above, you may go for the simplest option of avoiding additional thought, which frequently ends in the purchase of the incorrect item. 

Extract Meaningful Information and Evaluate Options With a Binary Outcome 


Utilize the facts available and extract what’s most important for you to make a decision to simplify and narrow your alternatives. Is it the cost? What about the protein content? Whether it offers environmentally friendly packaging or a mixture of features? 

Keep an eye out for too many critical components. If necessary, prioritise and use a binary conclusion (of “yes” or “no” / “true” or “false”) to aid in decision-making, such as specifying a price range within which the product must fall. 

6. Distract yourself from the task at hand by removing unnecessary distractions. 


Attention, it could be argued, is the modern world’s money. Concentration skill can mean the difference between a successful student, a thriving business, a happy parent, and a brilliant decision-maker. 

So, what can you do to increase your attention span so you can make better decisions and prevent decision fatigue? There are a variety of approaches, but one of the most effective is to reduce distractions. The easiest diversions nowadays are a product of technology and the devices that power it—all of which are available to you at all times. 

Create Extended Periods of Time to Increase Focus 

These distractions might be tiny or enormous, but the larger issue is their frequency, which causes a gap in your concentration. Having to deal with this while trying to make the best option possible can be mentally draining. 

Email, instant messaging, push notifications from smartphone apps, and browsing through social media feeds are all examples of technology distractions. All of these technology and tools should be limited to pre-determined time slots (preferably, find and using a calendar if it’s during the workday). 

Turn off all of the aforementioned notifications to avoid distractions (where possible) while it’s not time to look at them. This allows you to think more deeply and concentrate for longer periods of time, increasing your chances of making set of effective small decisions. (daily decisions)


Decision fatigue is a real thing that can drain your energy and make you feel stressed. It can have an impact on anyone who has to make decisions, whether trivial or significant. 

Patience and commitment are required to overcome choice fatigue. You’ll be well on your way to making significant changes if you follow the recommended practices outlined in this article. These modifications will boost your productivity while also improving your consistency and ability to make good decisions. 


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